Tuesday, December 6, 2016


I heard a sweeping statement, which interestingly I found really bugged me. I'm paraphrasing but along the lines of "science is found to be wrong a lot of the time".
True science is never "wrong" as it should never be positioned as "right" or "true".

A true scientist knows that one of the fundamental principles of science is:

"if a theory is successful, it does not follow that it is correct. “Consequently, theories are never empirically verifiable” (K. Popper). According to Popper, consistency is not a truth criterion, but, on the other hand, inconsistency does falsify a theory. No all-inclusive theorem, like “All swans are white” can ever be verified, not even by endless experimentation. Theories can only survive, and are only provisionally valid, for as long as they are not shown to be false by empirical reality (when a single black swan is found), and subsequently replaced by a new, better theory."

That's the beauty of science. The belief that we don't know everything so instead we hold up theories and develop amazing technologies to improve our lives until we find there's a more accurate theory and application of it.

We once thought the world was flat.
We then though Earth was the centre of the universe.
Maybe for the moment we think time is only in one direction... Who knows.

I chose scientific approach over bias opinion as I'm brave enough to be wrong. I'm excited to be wrong as it means I'll learn something in the hopes of being better off for it. Only arrogance knows everything (for sure).