Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Toward tomorrow

The only dimension in which I move is through time...
As space has nothing for me...
And illusion fills the gaps.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


What's wrong with us that we can't find happiness?
What balance is there?
Between what do we find peace?
Aggression. Behave. Win. For now.
What does it say for civilisation when the only release we feel is when losing our minds. Regressing back to simple conundrum's like will that door swallow me whole?
An evening past, my only connection with you. An evening you left me so full but empty inside.
An evening you sent me away.
These days too polite to wonder the streets alone, I stay emotionally shackled to those whom I care... But who do not inspire.

Monday, October 19, 2015


The cool air capture softly spoken excitement and tall buildings hug our walks.
Adventurous but calm, the night came from within
I thought of you and wondered what you would mean if I were not me
We talked history and discussed our behaviors
My admiration grew for you, my friend.
As so few could put me in my place and feel good to apologies.
And I do apologies.
You knock me down and show me there's more to you, for which I find there is now more to me.

Thank you.

- sleeps

Sunday, September 20, 2015


Today is a perfect day for the morning after.
Yesterday we did not see love as a box to fill.
Yesterday we celebrated love for the sake of love by expressing love.
My friend of love, for whom I love
You wrap my hand with yours
My free hand strokes your hair
And free heart kisses you gently
My chest, a calm storm, electric with life, dances with playful games of blueberries
Please don't bury me.
I wish to stay but the world needs me to leave
But then the end does not matter, for death is offered with life.

- sleeps

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Please raise
The simple


"I, a stranger and afraid
In a world I never made"

I, a friend and brave
In a world i intend to save

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Me more

Please notice me more
I want to be the one that crushes you
That takes your admiration and twists it into a sick game of unforfilment
I live only if you cannot live without me
As I know not who I am so your romanticised view will do
Such desperation from such an optimistic heart to one day feel fulfilled BECAUSE I'm alone.


Saturday, July 25, 2015

Card trick

I use to do card tricks
And with the flick of the wrist, switch
Via double lift, your card, it wasn't so hard to regress you back to an excited child!
But you were few
And I eventually grew up and gave up magic because no one believed.. Including me
People didn't wanna see magic.
They wanted to expose the trick
Feel the ego rush by declaring 'ha, your not really magic!'...
Of coarse not... I'm not a fucking wizard, am I.
The magic in the world does not reside in my hands nor the genius who engineered the maneuver.
The magic isn't here (point to self)
But it could be there (point to them or own head)

The magic in the world are those people who can be in awe of something they haven't seen or don't quite understand...

And I believe in those people, i believe in magic.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

So i sat and listened to her cry

Empathy, a thing of the past
I couldn't see how an intelligent and logical person could get so hurt
I asked what could make someone hurt so
To which I realized I felt so little
Maybe I sat and listened to reaffirm my dislikes for weak minded fools...
Or maybe I listened to remind me how much we can feel
(Musical) scores and philosophical words did just as much as my absence of thought

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Love is

Love is when a woman says "I hate you"
And a man says "she doesn't annoy me".

Saturday, April 4, 2015

When i forget

When I am tired and feel that I do not have time for you
Remind me that you are all I have time for
When I think dancing has no merit or physical play had no meaning
Tell me it is the one reason I am here
Sing with me, even when voiceless to remind me there is no life without expression

For if I fail, may I forever be a broken man

Look past

What are those people who can look through art, like it wasn't there or never existed?
And how dare they state there is nothing new or beautiful in the world... But then perhaps they see their own art and have no time for that which is declared.

The smell of barley sets in a state and we buy in to the history which makes this our own.
But the sweat of broken men can set a lost individual on another downward spiral.
Leave this on the floor and watch in excitement as the star picks itself up and glides on ice to succeed.

Ah man, the rush
The uncontrollable outbursts
The joy of the win and the union of the celebration.
I've never had this and savour each moment. I love being a stranger. I love exploring alone.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Punch drunk

It's been nice
A washed up alcoholic
Either too stupid, proud... Or enlightened to change his ways.
Ironic how those who make sense, talk worthless nonsense yet those with gems of insight can barely stay on track to finish their point.
I despise hearing of my past from others but absolutely fascinated to hear the history and personal lives of the generations above. Of those I cared about.
I know we're all just people, but to hear we are is magic.
Dying of self abuse and lonelinesses...
The only life for a failed hero.
...The only life for a saved hero.
But I'm not here to be your son
I'm not here to judge you or save you either.
You're not the first person to try reconsolidation through replacement.
But don't try it with me.
I don't need or want this bond
I'm here out of interest, an interest of those passed, an interest which is wearing thin.