Saturday, April 29, 2017

A suicide note

Thank you all so much for being a part of the time and experience of my life
I've had so many fantastic, special and unique moments it would be impossible to find the time to recall them all nor would I do then justice with words so I shall simply honour them with quiet reflection
If I had chosen to stay alive I'm certain I would have met more amazing people and had more moments to cherish
It must be made know there is no specific reason for my suicide, I simply found myself a little bored one day and was interested in experiencing death
No philosophical musing or despair
No statement or rebellion
Simply one choice made over another

- sleeps

When i had proposed

When I had proposed to her, I felt like many men had done when proposing to their other half...
A deep and profound feeling of... Regret
Like, what am I doing? Or more accurately, why am I doing this?
From that moment on my partner and I began to argue. Something we'd never really done before. Not like this. Not big, just little things, stupid things
I suppose every little thing becomes a big deal when 'forever' is at stake, which then put puts 'forever' at stake.
What makes a good partner an equally good wife?
The term alone sounds absurd to me.
But then so is life itself, so suppose this, much like all else, is simply a choice

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Retrospect says time can be replaced by memory
Science says time can be replaced by distance

With the world being so emotionally clumsy
It's hard to trust your heart in anyone's hands


An icey lake is difficult to imagine when your back is burning from embarrassment
But there we stood calmly breathing cool air watching the mountains as if they were expected to do something
Maps couldn't guide us through these emotions even with data, so we flutter and hide.
Like the game the universe plays with itself, from the smallest of sparks we will simply set goals, rules, wins and losses arbitrarily
And to all those sparks lost or ignored... We reminisce and tell ourselves stories. Whether fairy tale or tradegy depends on our mood.
So we create objects and life to perhaps then set its fait to be destroyed
But at least the moment held something... however arbtrary and subjective.

- sleeps