Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sneaky peek or Heart wide open?

I always giggle when i see a guy having a sneaky peek at a pretty girl or vise versa. Either on the street/bus/tube/ferry, we've all done it and it's pretty enjoyable. Question is, when did we have to stop showing others that we find them interesting?

Or maybe a better question would be:
What came first the interest or the rejection?

We've all been rejected in some way and unfortunately alot of us do not take what we can from it and instead harden and become cold (good or bad that's up to you). It's a damn shame the she never wanted him or that he cheated on her but in all we live and learn or do not live at all.

But then there comes expressing to those you know, love and trust. Some can, some cant. I've been told many times that i'm 'distant' but then i've also expressed my feeling to those close to me and recieved uncomfortable reactions, leading me to believe the reason we were so close is that i may be quite distant and that they simply enjoy and find comfort in not having to 'deal with all that stuff'.

Those who demand attension and reassurance that you care... well i've never got on with those people. Forced is fake and silence does NOT mean you dont care.
The very fact in can sit on the sofa next to someone without the need to speak should tell them something and to be honest i do not really feel the need to entertain their insecurity if they cannot see that.... Thoughts anyone?


  1. I am not sure why I am responding to this now - maybe it's because I have just written the longest email of my life which resulted in suicide inducing boredom and so this little gem has just made my day.

    I am a doer, a can person and so I take on the glass half full attitude that life is too short, so who cares if you get rejected. It happens to every single one of us and so doesn't make us any worse off than the next Joe Bloggs who has worn his heart on his sleeve and had it hit by a truck. Luckily, modern medicine has come on in leaps and bounds and recovery is such an amazing feeling.

    And when you do actually meet someone that things fit with, I agree the feeling of security comes from the mutual understanding of each others needs. But just because one person feels one way and has certain wants, doesn't mean that the other is exactly the same. No one will ever get inside someone else's head and so the occasional compliment about the enjoyment of someone's company goes a long way. The rest is about living in the here and now. And trust.

  2. Yeah totally feeling you bruv. But I think its important to tell someone when they do offer the occassional indication of affection to someone that they care about that they're "GAY!" :p
