Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Children playing with Monogamy

I don't believe in monogamy.
Not that I need or want to have multiple partners... Where would i find the time and patience, lol.
But I don't necessarily feel it's the only choice or option we have and feel there something unfortunate about the shutting down and persecution of genuine love in other forms.
I feel, to an extent and as a culture, we're still infants.
You know how kids get terribly upset and cry when they can't have what they want?
That's us with broken hearts.
And how kids are unable to share and get angry at the idea when it involves their sweets or toys.
... That's us with our relationships.
"I'm going to love you and no one else and youre going to love only me, because if you love anyone else that would be too much for my ego to handle"

Imagine being able to love unconditionally
Giving the best of yourself to anyone that needs it.

Again, don't get me wrong there's a tremendous amount of value in monogamy and the deep bonds it may provide. The stability it brings when you 'belong' to someone and someone 'belongs' to you...

To belong is deep in our nature, but what if we stopped treating each other like possessions, even if in a positively intended sense?

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Distraction or depression?
Monogamy or wilderness?
Comfort or excitement?
Something new doesn't exist... Just desperate out cries of raw emotion.
Happiness is only hard if we believe we need things.
Happiness is only true if we believe we deserve it.
I'm bored.