Sunday, March 11, 2018


[Loving someone is not needing them to say it back]
[Loving someone is expressing it and feeling relieved in doing so]
[Loving someone is being a dedicated 'villain' and focusing on destroying everything they 'love' so they can understand how to]

He sits and sweats
All noise has gone and he leans forward to feel the beads of sweat form around his head 
They slide down his face to then fall to his feet.
There was a monster at the door
Inside the stomach
Inside the thoughts
A man driven crazy, but happy in being so as crazy has held a certain purity to it
a lack of compromise 
A transformation from tragedy to comedy and finding something true in the process
And that truth is pain. Beautifully transformative pain.
From weak to strength
From false to true
From lost to found
Regardless of companionship

- Sleeps