Thursday, April 29, 2010

Death to your kingdom

Things are never perfect. Nor the way I'd like them to be. And it really really does hurt to care for people sometimes.
The closer I get the more I realized why I had once run away. But I whispered a promise to you in a noisy world and pledged my duty. No other task is more important to me anymore.

You have not forgotten how to love yourself you simply don't know how to. And all those wise words which held me back were the most ingenious defences I've seen in a person. And I thought I was clever. So the mother has died and so may the child (but what of the child's child?). You can always change your name to create another step between you and people but only at great risk of further confusion to yourself. I want you to know there's more out there. I've seen it. First hand I've seen it. So much more.

Once was, now am

You know where you end up when taking the usual steps. It's up to you to whether or not you do... Even if it means standing in the same place for a while before taking an alternative.

I personally have violent and aggressive tendancies toward that thing that calls itself "myself" so it no longer dares to send panic attacks my way. A necessary evil toward it and myself to stop allowing it to hurt others and my actual self.

I scan the crowd wondering how you could dissapear so easy.

I brought Death to my Kingdom and from the ashes and corpse's grew a purified experience and thoughts. My perception and decisions brought me... Away from there.

I'm not a blunt instrument. I know where I ended up allowing things out of my control to get to me and will not allow it again.

- Sleeps


  1. I read this and it felt like you were seeing me, writing to me... I know that's not the case, but even so, I take from it and let it warm me inside.

  2. Like 'Anon' with the last comment. You have a style that features in many people's hearts. I'm drunk so have had to read a few times (!) but I understand :o)

  3. its beautiful as always, internally. -awake
