Thursday, October 26, 2017


I missed the chance to open up to you.
I was always sorry for that.
Thinking people would miss out on me
When it was me missing out on people
The two paced push
The intimate feelings
Like a revolver, it's spinning chamber no longer a threat or fear
Instead an exciting dance and I wish you would dance
With me
For me
I would watch
I would touch
I would move so differently
I would breathe

- sleeps

1 comment:

  1. I used to dream about you regularly but as the years and silence have past they stopped. Until last night. Even in my dream I felt shy, self conscious and awkward around you. Something about you always tied me in knots inside. It was so good to see you. And to kiss you again. As my bastard alarm went off waking me, I desperately tried to cling to the dream, to you, but it was gone, like ripples of water over your reflection. I wish you had been open with me. I wonder how life would be if we had both laid bare.
