Tuesday, January 4, 2011


All that stuff is just mentally draining.
Diversity and absurd reasoning - use to think that feels best but maybe it just hurts least.
All the intake, somethings surely got to give way and all fall through.
All the 'soul searching'?
Ok fine...
But finding who you are? Who gives a shit? You could answer that in every action and decision you make even if it's not the one wished to make... That would, in turn, simply define you as a coward or a brave one with ideals.
But then there's the self destructive nature when we can(not?) have what we want even if we don't know what that is.

Why would you do that?
In some ways I'm glad it happened. The vex woke me now my first reaction is to get out there and use people for whatever I want at that time... But then how does that differ from before?
The measurement of the difference is... What?

The queen says relationships should be easy. I agree.
Mow I believe I'm out of my own way it's grand.
Give me 5 minutes you'll want to feel me again and I will never let go or let down because you are now more important than I am.

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